Isn’t it Lovely to Discover Beauty Through Design? Special Guest: Christy Steen

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“These spaces that you’re planning for now are going to be places that people experience their life in…that’s so special.”

It’s a celebration of art, design, and beauty as Isn’t it Lovely? welcomes dear friend and favorite creative Christy Steen to the podcast! Christy shares suggestions for imaginatively uncovering “beauty from ashes” and making design accessible, including exploring garage and estate sales and Facebook Marketplace for treasures, embracing concepts of repurposing and recycling, and paring down and rearranging existing items. Christy and Tracy encourage leaning into curiosity and risk-taking to discover sources of inspiration, as well as the influences of nature, repetition and unity to bring balance, harmony, and warmth to a space. Christy and Rachel discuss receiving God’s kindness in moments of doubt and vulnerability and how to counteract shame scripts to embrace the truth of who He created His children to be. The What Are You Loving? segment is heavy on actor Val Kilmer, as Tracy joins millions in praising Top Gun: Maverick and Rachel defends Val’s penchant for wearing turquoise jewelry.

Episode Mentions:

What Are You Loving:

Gorgeous peonies, courtesy of Christy!

Christy Steen is an artist, designer and tinkerer. She finds joy in making pretty spaces and in scooping up unwanted furniture and remaking it into things her family uses daily.  Her family includes the love of her life, Colin, and their 3 little ones. 

Christy graduated from USF with degrees in art and psychology and taught art at Sioux Falls Christian School for 4 years before staying home to raise her children.

Christy’s design style is soft, organic and casual. She loves incorporating nature and using antiques in a fresh way. 


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